Pretty funny movie about the zombie apocalypse. It’s different. Different like the time a was chatting up this girl and she seemed pretty keen, then this other guy comes over and starts licking her face all over like a Great Dane. He stops and she says, “I like you, you’re different.” I’m sure you can imagine who she went home with, it sure wasn’t me, frowny face.
I loved the on screen rules for surviving a zombie apocalypse. Make sure you watch this movie with pen and note pad. Not just any note pad either, one that you think will survive for a while.
The main character who’s name I have no idea, I looked it up on , Columbus, is a pussy. But a smart pussy. He’s the stereotypical character breaking mould that all movies should subscribe to. Fair dinkum, about time these clowns started making new stuff up. Not only is he a girly gamer nerd, but he doesn’t really understand the finer points of living. Until he becomes the one of very few survivors in the ensuing apocalypse.
Funnily enough, he is only one type of person to survive the zombies; the other type is the arse kicking gun slinging super hero we always suspected to see, Tallahassee. But this is no Blade, because big black dicks aren’t allowed in this movie, he is an eccentric zombie hunter. He’s more like that really funny uncle you have, who kills zombies.
The two female characters are also an opposite to Hollywood’s policy of stereotyped characters. They are tough, and extremely smart. Twice they outsmart the boys and hilariously so. One is really hot so kudos there.
I felt at moments like they had all this opportunity for a big killing spree with all their firepower but it never came. I was hoping for a show down and all that really happened was a bunch of talking and trickery. And a 10 minute visit to Bill Murray’s house. It was funny, and it ended the way it should have. All I wanted was a little more gun banging, is that too much to ask?
The ending was a little flat. It was fairly flawed and was a bit, gay. I got bored because it was all coming together. It’s like they had written this awesome 3hr long script and then the studio wanted to change the ending and they had already shot it so they had to cut it into what the producers were paying for, something that was the same as the last movie they produced them lots of money.
Overall I loved the premise, I loved the jokes, I loved the characters, I loved that the movie pushed the boundaries of Hollywood’s production line of same old same old.
Link to trailer: Zombieland
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